Interior design courses in Italy

Interior design courses in Italy?

Learn more with Accademia della Moda.





Accademia della Moda is a leader in training professionals of interior design in Italy. The history of IUAD began in the ’60s in a small shop in Naples, but over time our reality has grown to the point of inaugurating a new headquarter of the Academy, based in Milan.


Milan and Naples, two of the world capitals of lifestyle, are a pole of international excellence in design nowadays, as the demand for specialists in interior design is steadily expanding and evolving. To this extent, Accademia della Moda offers its students the best fashion interior design courses in Italy, with a truly innovative approach to the subject.


Each of our teachers of interior design courses in Milan is a great professional and expert, as we will teach you all the tricks of the trade. Moreover, the didactical approach of our academy is studied ad hoc, with 30% of the theoretical lessons and 70% of practical approach to the subjects. In this way, our students become true masters in their field and they are ready to enter the world of interior design in Italy and worldwide.


Are you looking for deeper knowledge in interior design? Discover the special teachings in interior design master Milan by Accademia della Moda. Over the years, given the growing demand for specific skills in the market, we have expanded our educational offer, making it truly complete and suitable for all needs. We are particularly concerned with interior design master in Milan, as our courses are aimed at developing a full range of high-level design skills.


Do you want to know something more about our interior design courses in Milan? Visit our dedicated pages and get useful information about interior design in Milan, or contact us for futher rquests.

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